torek, 10. november 2015

Odsev Toronta / Reflection of Toronto

Kaj bi si človek, ki rad bere knjige želel boljšega od parka, ki je v bistvu majhen otok sredi velikega jezera, ki ima čudovit razgled na velemesto, kjer vladata mir in harmonija med različnimi kulturami, kjer lahko najdeš toliko prijaznih in prijetnih ljudi, ki jih nikoli v življenju ne boš pozabil in zaradi katerih se od lepega sijočega vremena odseva čudovita podoba mesta v njenih mirnih in nerazburkanih vodah? To je tisto, kar naredi Toronto za posebno mesto ne samo v Kanadi, ampak tudi v svetu, saj poleg svoje lepe podobe odseva tudi prijaznost, toplino in strpnost, ki jo tukaj ljudje tako radi izražajo in kjer se tujci počutijo kot doma smile emoticon In ja, ljudje tukaj so kot knjige, polni zanimivih informacij in dogodkov, zato prebiram cele dneve

Reflection of Toronto

What would a man who loves to read books liked better than a place, which is actually a small island in the middle of a large lake, which has a wonderful view of the city, where there is peace and harmony among different cultures, where you can find so many friendly and nice people you will never forgot and who are so nice that can be seen in beautiful weather that can reflect the image of the city in its calm waters in the lake? This is what makes Toronto a special place not only in Canada but also in the world, because in addition to its beautiful image it also reflects the friendliness , warmth and tolerance that people here are so fond of expressing and where foreigners feel like at home.

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